Used Laptop Buying Guide

Used Laptop Buying Guide

Before you consider to buy used laptop, there are few areas you need to consider. My advise based on my experience. My first laptop was dell latitude. I bought it from e-bay and it was used laptop by somebody from NZ. That time i made my decision based on the lowest price. I never thought of what to check before buying that laptop. After i bought it, then i realize the laptop have cracking mark on the screen cover. It was small crack on the hinge at beginning. After 1 month, the cracking area become bigger.
This article is to help you make a good decision before consider of buying used laptop. Here i listed the few areas that need to be check or consider before you buy the laptop.

1. Make sure the price cheaper about 60% than the original price. Do you know that you could get a new laptop around RM1600?

2. Check for any cracking mark on screen cover. If you buy from online, better ask the seller whether there any cracking mark on the laptop. DONT buy if the cracking mark on the screen cover area.

3. Make sure the cd/dvd drive working properly. (New cd/dvd drive for laptop is expensive - RM200)

4. Make sure the touch pad in working good condition.

5. Make sure the battery and power adapter in good condition. (Battery price is around RM300 below and power adapter around RM350)

Other hardware like hard disk and RAM, you can upgrade later.


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