How To Fix My Computer

Hi Computer User. I will share with you the tips of how to fix computer. This tips only for window based operating system. Now days, the operating system getting smarter and easy to fix. The problem that frequently happen to computer using window based are:

  1. Attack by virus
  2. Slow opening window application
  3. System hang during operation
  4. Attack by spyware
  5. Program crash
Once this problem happen, it better for you to reformat the hard disk. Reinstall the window back. Once you completely reinstall the window. Here 3 tips that you need to follow in order to keep your computer run smoothly.

  1. Install Anti virus. - You can get free Anti virus from AVG, Avira, and Avast. Scan your computer at   least every 2 week. (Set to full deep scan)
  2. De fragment hard disk - Do this once a month. Make sure you restart your computer after defragment hard disk complete. You can use program like Smart Defrag
  3. Cleaning and Maintaining -  Do this every week for better performance. Download program called Advanced systemcare. Install and run this program. This software will do the registry cleaning, spyware removal, deletion of junk files and a privacy sweep.

Thank you for reading HOW TO FIX MY COMPUTER. If you want to know more, please make a comment.  In my next post i will show you how to tweak your window.


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